EVERY MONDAY 10am - 1:30pm
St. Andrew's URC Hall, Upper Hanover Street, SHEFFIELD S3 7RQ |
Our core Monday social session, which includes a free meal, is for anyone to attend from 10am, regardless of their circumstances. Our social café sessions are open to all; they are for the whole community. We do, however, ask for all children joining in with any of our activities to be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.
Our wonderful volunteers & session leads prepare the food, sharing recipes & skills. We offer social activities, peer support, and a freshly cooked hot meal, all eating together. 40-70 people dine weekly. Hope English School run an ESOL class for our volunteers during the morning. Food is served at 12.30pm, but everyone is encouraged to come early and help set up, play dominos or table tennis etc and get to know each other - then help with clearing up too! |
TUESDAYS 12.30pm. We are back in the Sanctuary on Chapel Walk, after their recent refurbishment - it is beautiful!
In partnership with City of Sanctuary Sheffield (CoSS), we provide free community meals on Tuesdays at 37-39 Chapel Walk, Sheffield S1 2PD |
Our Tuesdays meals are for people seeking sanctuary & those working with them to attend.
We offer the opportunity to help cook and serve a delicious hot meal for potential volunteers. 90+ people dine weekly. |
1pm Victoria Hall Norfolk Street SHEFFIELD S1 2JB |
We cook simple food once a month for around 150 people at the multi-agency drop-in for people seeking sanctuary, refugees and migrants.
Food served from 1pm, until we run out or everyone is fed. |