It's a new record! OKSC in Edale, feeding organisers & 396 walkers (plus seconds & even a 3rd helping of Firas Sharefy 's Chana Dal for the Birmingham coach driver, as part of Kinder in Colour, Right to Roam & Landscapes of Freedom, on the 90th anniversary of the Kinder Trespass.
Bright clear sunshine & even a brief foray out on Saturday evening, for team members who hadn't been to Edale before. https://www.theguardian.com//kinder-scout-90-years-on-uks-national-parks-still-largely-white-and-middle-class? Liz, Nicolasa & Anna gave us their own style rice to go with Nes' vegan curry, Firas' pickles, Ken's oven baked chicken & Mikeyas' spice roast potatoes yesterday - another spin round the world taster for everyone!
Wonderful to have Rithika with us again, with her Zara and Adityan creating the Most Delicious Salad for everyone, really helpful!
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September 2024
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